Benefits of soursop Tea

Benefits of soursop Tea

Soursop tea

Soursop tea is an ample source of carbohydrates that can replenish your low energy without the addiction that comes with caffeine.

The leaves contain high fibre which brings additional benefits, including facilitating digestion and detoxification. Not only that but these nourishing leaves are also a great source of the mineral iron and vitamin C. Iron aids in the pumping of energy-producing oxygen into the bloodstream while vitamin C helps keep your endurance levels at an optimum.

For this reason, regularly partaking in soursop tea your body’s systems and processes function as they should: optimally. Soursop leaves have been used traditionally as a source of relief for a range of stomach ailments.

Treat Virus and Bacterial Infection

Soursop leaves contain rich antivirus and antibacterial substances that serve as natural way to kill and prevent bad bacteria and virus to grow inside our body. Therefore, soursop leaves can be used as natural antiseptic used to treat wounds or any other situation that is caused by bacteria and virus.

One of the most dangerous diseases caused by virus is flu. Soursop leaves’ rich nutrients content allow body immune system to be increased and will help us defend against dangerous virus attack.

Bacteria and virus infection can cause a very damaging disease from diarrhea, fever, to amputation due to infection. That is why it is important that we know potent anti-bacterial agent that can be found easily in nature and with no side effect. Luckily for us, soursop leaf is one of those alternatives that can help us treat and cure bacterial infection.

The way to use soursop leaves is by boiling a handful of soursop leaves in 2 to 3 cups of water for 10 to 30 minutes. After the temperature of the water is down and safe, apply the water as you would apply antiseptic on the part of body requiring sterilization.

Helps with Diabetes

Diabetes epidemic is very prevalent now in modern society especially in western society and increasingly among Asian society as well. Diabetes remains one of the most dangerous diseases with very risky consequences. Long term impact of diabetes includes damage on arteries and other large blood vessel inside the heart, brain, and legs – all of them are of macrovascular damage, damage in the eye resulting in blindness, kidney failure, and nerve damage or microvascular damage.

The role of soursop leaves in diabetic patient is clear. Soursop leaves help stabilise glucose level and maintain the glucose level in the range of 70 to 100 or 70 to 120 mg/dl which is considered normal range. Moreover, a lot of diabetes related disease such as amputation are caused because of untreated infection. Wound in diabetic patient is harder to be healed because of high-glucose content.

One of the things that made soursop a favourite among the native tribes of South America is its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. Consuming soursop tea can aid in relieving tensions and spasms, not to mention reducing pain from injuries or exercise.

 Improve General Health Including Beauty

Besides serve as general way to improve immune system and repair many critical aspects of one’s health for example: soursop leaves are excellent to replace dying blood cell because of rich iron content, soursop leaves also serve as a natural way to improve the appearance because of its effect on skins, hair, and personal hygiene.

First of all, soursop leaves contain high number of vitamins including vitamins A and C. These vitamins serve as anti-oxidant and anti-aging component that help cleanse our body from toxic free radicals that is dangerous for our health a s well as damaging for our appearance. Free radicals could cause wrinkles and heavy pigmentation that would alter your appearance. Additionally, the anti-bacteria content within soursop leaves help sterilize and keep your skins clean and shining.

Soursop leaves also helps us maintain healthy and great-looking hair because soursop leaves antioxidant content helps our body repair damage in our hair due to exposure to bad environment. A lot of pollution causes many problems to our hair from dandruff, hair loss, and split ends.

Washing our hair using soursop leaves water helps protect the health of our hair. If you have a problem with ticks or lice in your hair, the active content in soursop leaves could help inhibit the growth of those ticks or lice.

Indirectly, soursop leaves also help rejuvenates part of your body including skins cells and hair. This happen because it facilitate a good night sleep. During sleep, our body underwent major rehabilitation where all toxic matter is being flushed out of our system and cells is being reproduced. Soursop leaves help relaxes our sense because of its aromatherapy characteristic. Soursop leaves also could be used as a tea either as substitute or as additive in tea and help us relax in the night. This used can treat insomnia.

The other unexpected health benefit of soursop leaves that impact our general well-being is that soursop leaves facilitate repair of our vital organs. The content of protein helps rebuild broken part of our organs. The anti-oxidant content helps cleanse all toxins from crucial organs such as liver

Soursop Leaves Heals Ulcer

Bacteria can cause ulcers and severe infections. Ulcer are painful sores that develops commonly on mouth and gums, and inside digestive system including small intestine (especially duodenum) or in the oesophagus. The area affected by ulcers is swollen due to our body system trying to fight the bad germs inside the ulcer.

Ulcers are not only painful but also causing a lot of discomfort. Soursop leaves is excellent remedies for ulcer because the substances within soursop leaves reduce inflammation and also act as pain killer. Additionally, soursop leaves improve our immune system. So that the usual slow healing process of ulcer can be shortened due to active immune system.

Helps Treat Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety is one of the cause that affect mental health of many people in this modern era. According to National Institute of Mental Health, in the United States of America anxiety disorder affects 40 million adult age 18 and older or equivalently amounting to almost 18% of the population. The reason why soursop leaves could help contribute in easing the symptoms of anxiety and depression is that because soursop leaves have been used by many cultures in South East Asia and South America to help regulate mood and state of mind. The easiest way to use soursop leaves as therapeutic tools is by infusing it in a tea or any other drink. The aromatherapy characteristic in soursop leaves helps relax the mind and allow us to achieve mind calmness.

The more potent way soursop leaves heal the mind is by infusing torrent of antioxidants into our body. Also, help cleanse out toxic that stay inside the brain. The main cause of anxiety and depression is the damage inside our head nerve structure. One of the culprit is the damage due to toxic pollutant in the environment. Anti-free-radical agents within soursop leaves enable the brain as an organ to recover and rehabilitate itself hence restoring many of its cognitive function that help treat anxiety, mood regulation and stability, and depression.

What’s more, soursop tea is a powerful natural anti-microbial agent. This is why you will find it being used to treat damaged skin and other conditions like skin irritation, inflammation, and itchiness.

How to use

There isn’t a recommend standard dosage for any condition listed. For dosing recommendations, consult your doctor or a qualified natural health practitioner.

To make soursop tea:

  1. add boiling water to a pan and add 4-6 leaves of fresh or dried soursop
  2. boil for at least five minutes
  3. Strain the tea
  4. Enjoy hot

you can add sweeteners to your taste or leave it natural


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